Welcome to 3 Peaks Classroom!
I’m so glad you’re here because I’m bursting with so much to share with you. I created this little corner on the internet to share awesome things with you! I can’t wait to share:
- book recommendations
- resource suggestions
- lesson plan ideas
- teaching tips and hacks
- and anything with a Canadian flair!

It’s my hope that this blog serves you in ways that can help make your teaching life easier, less chaotic, more prepared, and fun. Although I usually have lots to say, I prefer to read things brief and to the point – which is how I plan on keeping this site organized – bite sized info for you to digest and enjoy.
That’s my origin story above. It was my first ever YouTube video ever filmed (well, not if you consider all the hundreds of videos I filmed for online teaching). In the video I share why I created this brand, and a little about about what led me to 3 Peaks Classroom.
If you’ve made it to the bottom of this post, I hope you didn’t find too many grammar or spelling mistakes (we teachers can’t seem to put down that red pen hey?).
I’d love to know more about you! Please leave a comment below and share your teaching origin story with me.